Monsieur Messiha
Together we can have opportunities to make sense of teaching mathematics
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Why Mathies?
The website houses Ontario Ministry of Education developed resources to support mathematics learning from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
The games and learning tools by mathies and the mathies logo are copyrighted by the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, 2016, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Council of Ontario Directors of Education.
Why Blockly Games?
Blockly Games is a series of educational games that teach programming. It is designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer programming. By the end of these games, players are ready to use conventional text-based languages.
Blockly Games is a Google project to encourage tomorrow's programmers. The games are designed to be self-paced and self-teaching. Feel free to use Blockly Games both inside and outside the classroom.
Try Maze Game and click on this LINK to get the solution
NRICH is a team of qualified teachers who are also practitioners in rich mathematical thinking. This unique blend means that NRICH is ideally placed to offer advice and support to both learners and teachers of mathematics.
NRICH is directly and indirectly involved with educational policy makers. This means that we can offer informed guidance and practical advice about working in schools.
Why youcubed ?
Youcubed main goal is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math learning into accessible and practical forms.
We know from research how to teach math well and how to bring about high levels of student engagement and achievement but research has not previously been made accessible to teachers. All students can learn mathematics to high levels and teaching that is based upon this principle dramatically increases students’ mathematics achievement. The need to make research widely available is particularly pressing now as new science on the brain and learning is giving important insights into mathematics learning.
Why Tic-Tac-Toe Mathematics?
The learning goal of this game is to help Grade 2 students to think well into 2 direction:
- How to win by having the sum of column or row or diagonal equal to 15
- How to block my partner on the game
This game encourages students to practice the addition of numbers from 1 to 9
Video: Please click on image